馬來西亞華人 - Malaysian Chinese

馬來西亞華人"Malaysian Chinese"(或馬來西亞籍華裔、華裔馬來西亞人[註 1])指明清至民國數百年來自中國福建和廣東、廣西、海南等省遷徙至馬來西亞的移民後代[3]。華人為馬來西亞除馬來族以外的第二大族群,總人口618.7萬人(2005年),佔馬國總人口的25.7%(2001年),主要分佈於 吉隆坡(首都)、喬治市(檳城州)、怡保(霹靂州)、新山(柔佛州)、古晉(砂拉越州)、亞庇(沙巴州)和馬六甲市(馬六甲州)等各大城市。其中檳州華人63.55萬人,占該州總人口的 42.5%(2006年),是唯一華族人口占多數的州。 (More Detail click here) (Source: 維基百科,自由的百科全書)

邹姓 (surname "Zou")

- 出自姒姓。这种说法称邹氏为越王勾践之后。
- 出自子姓。称邹氏为商纣王微子的后代。公元前11世纪周平公把商的周围地区封给殷纣王庶兄微子启,建立宋国,建都于商丘,其后三朝采食于邹邑,其第五世孙叔梁仡以邑名“邹”为姓。所以称之为山东邹氏。
- 出自曹姓,以国家的名称作为自己的姓氏。上古时有邾娄国为狭所建,战国时鲁穆公改邾娄国为邹国。后来邹国被楚国所灭后有邹氏,亦为山东邹氏。
- 为蚩尤之后。据《拾遗》所载,黄帝在打败蚩尤以后迁其民至邹屠,根据地名命名为邹屠氏。
(Source from Wiki.com 维基百科)
Link: 邹姓之家

『邹』 繁体字:鄒
拼音:zōu 注音:ㄗㄡ
简体部首:阝 部首笔画:2 总笔画:7
繁体部首:邑 部首笔画:7 总笔画:12
康熙字典笔画( 邹:12;鄒:17;) 字意五行:金 吉凶寓意:吉

Friday, March 27, 2009

Father (Tuck Onn - 德安) 末七期 - Chant Scriptures (念佛经)

Date: 19th April 2009 (Sunday)

Time: about 9:30am start

Venue: Niches - Air-conditioned Columbarium (冷气骨灰阁) – Block C (CE-07-01)
Nilai Memorial Park, 38 Km, KL-Seremban Highway, Malaysia.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chow Tuck Onn - 鄒德安 (1942 - 2009) 广东南海人

Tuck Onn (Father) marriage photo with Chow's family member (1).

Tuck Onn (Father) marriage photo with Chow's & Ng's family member (2)

Tuck Onn (life 1) with the brother and sister.

Tuck Onn young photo (1)

Tuck Onn young photo (2)

Tuck Onn young photo (3)

Please click here to view more photo on my father ...

Tuck Onn Funeral (鄒德安 葬禮)

Tuck Onn pass away (due to Cardio Respiratory Failure - heart problem) at Jln San Peng house on 03/03/2009 morning and the funeral at Xiao En Centre from 03rd to 4th March, and the funeral procession on 05th March morning.



Date: 14th February 2009 (Sat)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: Restoran Oversea (Cheras), Level 3, Menara P.G.R.M., Jalan Cheras, KL.
Tuck Onn & Pek Chan - photo take by Li Sheng (This is the last photo for my Father)

from life Chew Onn, Kin Onn and Yat Onn (photo take by Wendy Chan)

Tuck Onn Family (photo take by Wendy Chan)

My Cousin sister's (photo take by Wendy Chan)

photo take by Li Sheng

Siew Meei (Kit Leong wife)

Li Sheng (Kit Leong son)

DKBPWP for 2009 (2)

The award given by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin at an investiture at Istana Negara on 2nd February in conjunction with the Federal Territory Day celebrations.

DKBPWP for 2009 (1)

02/02/2009 at Istana Negara Kuala Lumpur
Photo with Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan
Kit Leong and Siew Meei

Pingat Pangkuan Mahkota Wilayah (P.P.W.)

大悲咒 da bei zhou

Great Compassionate Heart Dharani

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